Friday, 20 April 2018

My Top 3 spring looks ( on a budget) + MORE

                                                                   Welcome to my Wardrobe 

Hello and welcome to my tiny little wardrobe so tiny that even my husband surprisingly asked me the other day Jane where are all your clothes??He was so surprised by the amount of clothes I own these days that he is now even willing to do a cheeky order on my ASOS account and I literally squeaked YAY! Maybe that's going to be my next post? Who knows.. but today I wanted to show you my top 3 pieces that I will be wearing this spring.

By the way this post is a collaboration with other amazing blogger who will show you her take on Spring/Summer 18 looks and trends hence MORE in the title.. I thought I'd clarify what this MORE was now you know and you definitely need to check her out! I will leave her link to her post at the end of mine.
                                                              Sad FACE but happy its Spring
I look seriously sad on this photo, how ironic hey? So I decided to put a big smile on my face to make me look more happy but hey I am talking about outfits and not my face here :) 

So outfit number 1 is rather casual and I love it because its so simple yet slightly different from your standard t-shirt and jeans. The colour is so vibrant and sad face makes it rather an unusual vibe BUT it sparks a lot of funny conversations and I find it actually makes people smile when they see it which rather nice.
Lazy Oaf is not exactly on a budget but they do have brilliant sales on so I always keep an eye out for it on ASOS as their sales are for some reason more discounted than on lazy oaf's own web site.
TOP - Lazy Oaf ( top was on sale at 50% off)
JEANS: ASOS own brand
Dolce& Gabbana Vibes 

I always get compliments from people when I wear this flowery shirt and instagram was no different where by the way you should totally follow me  here.
The shirt reminds me of D&G vibes so much and it's going to be so in this season and I really happy about that!

So you probably just want to know where is this shirt from ALREADY! Well its only an H&M shirt :) I buy all of my shirts from this shop and value for money the quality is absolutely incredible!

                                                                   My Favourite Blazer 
Blazer is a must for me when it comes to spring time purely because its so easy to throw on over a shirt  as its still quite chilly in the mornings here in the UK but as the weather gets warmer during the day I take it off. I also like to put it over a t-shirt and jeans for a more relaxed look on weekends. 
You'll be surprised but I only own 1 blazer which is rather surprising for me too. I really want to find a dupe to a green velvet one by Gucci that I've seen recently online! It's gorgeous but with a price tag of almost 2 of my monthly wage I really cannot justify it. So I am sticking to my TOPSHOP blazer that I got on sale for £20!


Now I don't know about you but I am ready for some dessert and today I am serving you a beautiful blogger - Her Petite Closet who shared her own take on springs fashion 2018. Please do check her out too and leave a nice comment :)

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

The Blue Lagoon Dream

Since I discovered Iceland as a country and not a shop in the UK that sells frozen food,  I very quickly realised that it is going right onto my Bucket List.

   Magic Waters

So here I am at the one of 25 Wonders of the World where I nearly shed a tear as I just couldn't believe that I was finally there! 
The second we approached the lagoon I just couldn't believe my eyes. It was a grey day with grey clouds all over it but the water was so blue that it felt like I was inside a filter as I never seen anything like this before. 

After a quick change into my swimming suite I ran outside into the freezing air  and struggled to find a space to hang our towels. Yes probably not what you expected to read next. 
If I could give you one tip when you're there it will be to hang your towels inside first so that you don't have to do it outside as it was absolutely freezing. 

Everything has changed when I took my first dip into the blue magic waters.  You will be glad to know that the temperature of the water is around 37-45 degrees celsius so very comfortable to be in outside in winter. 
I loved that we could have been there for an x amount of hours as there is no set time once you are in the lagoon. You may leave whenever without incurring any extra charges. 
Here is a link to the official Blue Lagoon website where they explain all about the minerals in the water and how great it is for the skin and many more interesting news as I am no expert in this field.

                                                                      Magic Minerals

While your body is soaking in all the good stuff  you can also 'treat' your face with 2 face masks that are 'free' if you choose COMFORTABLE package. They are called Algae and Silica masks which you can purchase in their shop - (link)as well as a lot of other very exciting products and yes as you probably guessed it they are not cheap but if you want something that good you've got to pay for it. 
BUT I just couldn't spend that amount of money when we were there but thanks to the internet I can always buy it now or in the future. 
When it comes to the hair the lagoon advises you to cover it up or put on plenty of hair conditioner as it won't damage it as such but they say it will take time to wash off all the minerals off HOWEVER I wet my hair by accident and my hair was so lovely and smooth with no frizz so I suppose it depends from hair type. 

                                                                   Surprise Trip 

Overall this trip was just one that I am so happy to finally tick off my Bucket list and would highly recommend for anyone who is looking for a routine break. This was actually a surprise trip to my other half on his birthday. We have only been there for 3 days but I felt like I had a very good break from my routine and most importantly my work! 
So if you are looking for a little get away why not consider Iceland? 

I would love to know your travel plans for this year. Booked somewhere already? Saving for that one in a lifetime trip? Tell me everything down below in the comment section so we can have a chat and inspire one another to visit new places.


Friday, 2 March 2018

Discover SS18 trend in your current wardrobe NOW


I thought a lot about what should be my first post ( celebrating being back to blogging woohoo!)and I realised that I am absolutely falling in love with new Spring/Summer 2018 collections starting from Alexander McQueen to Valentino. They are so delicate, feminine and just screams high fashion yet wearable in every day life!
Here are some of my favourite pieces that inspired me to write this post altogether.
Expect to see a lot of ruffle this season, bold colour and pastels but also some sequin and sheer.

                                    (All photos are the property of their own respective owners)

I have to say Alexander McQueen have completely blown my mind away and I am in serious envy of those who can afford this brand's clothes. They are magnificent with lots of character and so much passion however there are some other brands that caught my eye such as Ted Baker.

Dolce and Gabbana impressed me with their maxi dresses this year in particular. If I could I'd buy them all. I can just see myself in them dancing on a yacht somewhere in St. Tropez with Timati. Wouldn't you feel like a queen? I know I would for sure.

But there is also another side of D&G that I adore and its dark and sexy side. Have a look for yourself. What do you think?

                                                                         So what? 

So what if D&G maxi dress is the most beautiful thing I ever did see when I simply can not afford it... sp what do I do? Yes you probably guessed it I start shopping my own wardrobe!

Since I started doing my research in the new SS18 trend I very quickly realised that it's something we can most likely find in our wardrobe already. Maybe not as posh and silky but close enough to save us a penny or two.
Do you have pastels spring/summer dresses? Do you have floral skirts or tops?  Do you have lacy dresses that you probably wore on you last hears Christmas do? Then congratulations girls you are on trend this season.

Let me know if you are falling in love with the new trend this season and is your favourite?

If you enjoyed this post please feel free to share it down below using the links to twitter, facebook, Google plus, tumbler and pininterest.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Beach walks


Me and my other half decided to take a trip down seaside for some well deserved fresh air and new sights to admire.
At first I have suggested we go to Brighton because it is one of my favourite seasides ever! My hubby on the other hand doesn't like to go back somewhere twice and suggested we go to Worthing.

It was absolutely freezing so I was very glad that I put my hat and this fluffy green coat on! My hat is from Sports Direct and the coat is from a Chinese online shop that I don't remember the name of.

My body is so not used to the fresh sea air  that I actually felt dizzy and so we sat down for a quick lunch at KFC!

After our walk we went to the most beautiful chapel I ever did see and there was a wedding when we go there which made it even more special. It is so beautiful that I would't mind to get married again hahah! Joking of course but maybe we could renew our vows there I think that would be pretty special place to do!

Where was the last time you went to to explore?

Jane xx


Sunday, 1 January 2017

Christmas Walk.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope you had a lovely day and looking forward to whatever it is you planned for the New Years eve.
Personally I absolutely love NYE and enjoy it a lot MORE than Christmas purely because where I come from we celebrate Christmas after the NYE celebrations in other words where my home is we all have NYE parties and NYE shopping to do whereas here everyone does Christmas this and that. 

10 years on and I still don't really recognise 25th December as being 'my' Christmas if you see what I mean but I still enjoy the day with my family nonetheless. 

This year we decided to go for a walk in our local park. Skyped our friend in Prague (oh how do I love 4G) and our parents who are in Ukraine for holidays. 

After our walk we had some lunch and went home for a nap, which was so lovely and cozy! I love spending my time at home with my loved ones just like everybody else does I'm sure.

We were then very lucky and got invited for a dinner party by my husbands work colleague and it was so much fun! 

Let me know in comments how you spent your day and what have you been up to for NYE? 

Jane x 


Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Beauty bits

Wow! It really has been a long while since I posted something on here and I thank you so much for staying if you stayed and if you went then please come back!! :)

I have recently been enjoying posting videos on my Youtube channel more than writing posts on my blog as I find it's a lot more creative and visualising.

I mainly do hauls as I feel comfortable enough to do them however I am going to try and do 'get ready' and 'night time routine' videos as they are my favourite to watch!

Check out my video below and give it some love :D xxx


Thursday, 18 February 2016

Fluffy friends

So I decided to do a little update on my two most fluffiest and lovliest little friends. I wrote a blog post about them back in July 2014 when I first got them and oh my haven't they grown?!

Them two have very different characters but they love each other very much and enjoy their play time too. I see them jumping around, kiss each other, chill together, sleep together and eat together every day. Obviously, they share the same cage but it makes me extremely happy to see them happy :)

They do like to spend their time 'apart' sometimes too. When one lies in a wooden house and the other spreads her paws and whole body in the middle of the cage as if she's lying in the middle of the beach and sunbathing in the sun. It's so cute to watch.

They are going to be two in July and I love them very much! 
Let me know if you have any pets? 

Hope you're having a great day!
Tomorrow is Friday!! Yipyyy!!!! 

Jane xxx
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